Upcoming Events

  • Essential Oil Blending Workshop with Camila

    23rd Apri 6:00-8:00PM

    This workshop requires no prior experience whatsoever, only to enjoy the smell of essential oils!

    With a collection of 30+ organic oils to choose from, we’ll be using blending techniques and intuition to create your own oil and recipe to take home with you. The essential oils will all be unmarked for a much more sense-led experience!

    Please ensure that you or the person you’re booking for are completely safe to partake in the handling of essential oils.

    This workshop is for 16+ and will include a little tipple or soft drink, should you prefer!

    10 spaces available

    £35 each

  • The Stores Launch Party

    25th April 6:30-8:30PM

    Come down and join us to toast our opening!

Create with us

Add your details in the form below to keep up to date with our upcoming workshops, talks and events.

Please let us know if you have any requests for workshops you might like to do!